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"Status of School Education Financing in India"
India has the highest number of out of school children in the world with over 60 million children lacking access to education. Girls are disproportionately affected.Here is a fact sheet that argues for higher and better public investment in school education.



Azad India Foundation in partnership with IIMPACT funding agency .

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Disaster Management

India has been traditionally vulnerable to natural disasters on account of its geo-climatic conditions. Floods, droughts, cyclones, earthquakes and landslides have been recurrent phenomena.

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Project Talim has 40 teachers, 3 Cluster level coordinators and 1 Project Coordinator.

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Badhtey Kadam

Azad India Foundation in partnership with Nalanda Charitable Foundation.

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Rehnuma initiative in current phase entailed setting up of entitlement centre.

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Welcome to
Azad India

Azad India Foundation is a well-recognized Non Governmental Organization (NGO) in Kishanganj, Bihar and has various donations related permissions. Donors are entitled to Income tax rebate under 80G. For Foreign donors our NGO has an FCRA account. Azad India Foundation aims at Rural Welfare Reforms for the Indian Woman and Girl Child, Social welfare and Health Welfare. It is an Indian NGO for Social Services, Indian Child Welfare Services, Welfare for the Rural Indian Woman, Rural Education and Self Employment.


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Azad India Foundation ,Line Mohalla,
Kishnaganj-855107, Bihar. Phn:06456- 222483.
Ms.Yuman Hussain, Executive Director, | Sitemap

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